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Carey Fritz (she/her) is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Expressive Arts Therapist, and is fluent in Spanish. Carey attended the Latin Family Counseling program through Alliant University in Mexico City and finished her degree at the California Institute of Integral Studies’ Expressive Arts Therapy program. Carey’s counseling work experience includes: 

  • Women Organized Against Rape, Philadelphia, PA 

  • The California Clinic, Mexico City, Mexico  

  • Oakland International High School, Oakland 

  • Women’s Therapy Center, intensive training in Relational Therapy, Berkeley 

  • Contra Costa County’s Art of Health and Healing, Expressive Arts Therapy Program 

  • First Hope, Contra Costa County 


  • Certified Assessor, "Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes" (SIPS)

  • Certified Facilitator, Multi-Family Groups

  • Certified to Competency in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pyschosis (CBTp)

  • Certified Yoga Instructor 

  • Certified Sexual Assault Counselor (State of Pennsylvania) 

  • Certified Facilitator of Intergroup Dialogue 



Carey Fritz (ella / ella) es Terapeuta Matrimonial y Familiar, Terapeuta de Artes Expresivas y habla español con fluidez. Carey asistió al programa de Consejería Familiar Latina a través de la Universidad Alliant en la Ciudad de México y terminó su licenciatura en el programa de Terapia de Artes Expresivas del Instituto de Estudios Integrales de California. La experiencia laboral de consejería de Carey incluye:

  • Mujeres organizadas contra la violación (Women Organized Against Rape), Filadelfia, PA

  • The California Clinic, Ciudad de México, México

  • Escuela secundaria internacional de Oakland (Oakland International High School), Oakland

  • Centro de Terapia de la Mujer (Women's Therapy Center), formación intensiva en Terapia Relacional, Berkeley

  • El arte de la salud y la curación del condado de Contra Costa (The Art of Health and Healing), programa de terapia de artes expresivas

  • Primera Esperanza (First Hope), Condado de Contra Costa

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